Exercise in attitude

ImageImageThis was a fun shoot as our model looked absolutely nothing like Sophia Loren. She was short, thin, and had stick straight hair. With hair, makeup, a little lesson in all things Sophia, we think she did a pretty good job of bringing the right amount of attitude to the shoot. Couple that with a little throwback in terms of lighting and lenses and voila…a nod to a bygone era in Hollywood.

Billie Holiday

We embarked on a journey last year that had us combining the histories of Hollywood and Photography, both of what encompass our brand and our field. Each month this year we will showcase a photography piece from this project and tell you a little bit about it. Here is Miss Tracy Z. Francis who we transformed into the legend Billie Holiday. These photos were done in studio and required a look back into lighting and cameras of the time. We think she captured the spirit of Billie both on stage and the underlying sadness that surrounded the legend. This coupled with the mood we recreated gave us brilliant photos. ImageImageImageImage